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Using Python and Pillow to reduce an image's size on disk without sacrificing quality.
718 words·4 mins
python pillow image lossless compression reduce size less size codeb blog
Python and Pillow provide us a very simple way to compress/reduce in size, large image files with almost zero loss of image clarity. In true python fashion, most of the heavy lifting is already done by the pillow and graphic libraries internally, we just need to call a few functions.
Streaming Objects from a Django Instance to Another
1287 words·7 mins
django python signals django orm orm object relational model python3 operational log oplog
How to sync Django ORM Model Obects from a instance of Django to another?
Streaming Logs from 1 Django Instance to Another
618 words·3 mins
django python logging
Ideas on how logs may be streamed from 1 django instance to another.
Ingesting Objects from another Django Instance
1429 words·7 mins
django python signals django orm orm object relational model python3 operational log oplog ingestion management management command django-admin admin django-admin command
Ingesting Django objects from a log or a stream of JSONified django objects.
Markdown 101 - What is it?
1952 words·10 mins
markdown md document formatting elements plaintext
Learn about the lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext documents.
Markdown - Basic Usage
2405 words·12 mins
markdown md document headings paragraph blockquote image table code block list html rule horizontal escape escaping characters cheatsheet examples
Learn about creating documents in the markdown markup language.